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Omni's installation requires to get omni itself, and setup its shell integration.

Get omni

The easier way to install omni is to use the single command, where $REPOSITORY_URL is any URL of any repository you wish to clone as soon as omni is installed:

$ sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- clone $REPOSITORY_URL

Otherwise, omni can be installed in one of four ways (the three first being tried by the installer script above):

  • Using homebrew (recommended, if available)
  • Downloading the pre-built binary
  • Using cargo install (with the --root parameter to install somewhere else than $CARGO_HOME)
  • Building from sources

Using Homebrew

You can install omni using Homebrew or Linuxbrew if your architecture is arm64 or x86_64. You simply need to run the following two commands:

brew tap xaf/omni
brew install omni

Downloading the binary

Pre-built binaries are available for MacOS and Linux, for arm64 and x86_64 architectures. You can download the last release binaries directly from the GitHub releases.

Using cargo install

Omni is available as the omnicli cargo crate. You can thus install it by running the following command:

cargo install omnicli --root /path/to/bindir

If installing omni through cargo install, make sure to install it in a path different from your $CARGO_HOME, as omni's dynamic environment might replace the $CARGO_HOME/bin directory in your PATH when loading a dynamic rust environment.

Building from sources

Clone the git repository

git clone
cd omni

Install Rust

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

See the rust documentation for more details.

Build and Install

cargo build --release

This will generate the omni binary in target/release. You can copy this binary anywhere in your PATH, e.g.:

cp target/release/omni /usr/local/bin/

Setting up the shell integration

Omni depends on a shell integration to be fully functional. To enable it, you will have to add one of the following lines to your shell's configuration file:

eval "$(omni hook init bash)"

Don't forget to restart your shell or run source <path_to_rc_file> for the changes to take effect.


Support for other shells than the ones listed above can be added to omni in the future. Do not hesitate to submit a pull request with a template for supporting your shell if you use a different one.