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Initial configuration

Omni offers a number of configuration parameters. This page aims at guiding you through the very initial configuration to make omni work with your preferences.

Create a configuration file

Omni can work without configuration file and will use the default parameters. However, we want to make it a bit more personal, so let's create the main global configuration file.

If you're not twiggling with the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable, you can create this file at ~/.config/omni/config.yaml.

Setting up the repository path format

The first configuration option you will want to add is repo_path_format since it will define the structure of your repositories inside of your worktree.

repo_path_format: "%{org}/%{repo}"

Here are the three most common values for this variable:

%{host}/%{org}/%{repo}Full details on the repository in the path, used for instance by Go in the GOPATH. e.g. WORKTREE/
%{org}/%{repo}To split repositories by organization. e.g. WORKTREE/XaF/omni
%{repo}To put all the repositories directly in the worktree. e.g. WORKTREE/omni

Setting up your worktree

By default, omni will check if ~/git exists, and will alternatively check if $GOPATH/src is defined and exists. If none, it will revert by default to consider ~/git as your worktree.

However, if you have an habit or preference for a different path, for instance ~/workspace, you can simply set a configuration parameter for this:

worktree: ~/workspace

The worktree parameter accepts absolute, relative and home-prefixed (~) paths.

Configuring a first organization

A number of omni's magic is made available through configured organizations. For instance, with the organization configured, you'll be able to run omni clone omni to clone omni's repository.


Before manually handling this configuration, if your organization provides a main omni repository, you might want to omni clone before pursuing this section: this repository might suggest you to setup the organization you need!

An organization is defined by a handle which provides the part of the URL that is always going to be used when cloning repositories for that organization. Organizations are evaluated in the order in which they are defined to look for repositories, so you will want to put first organizations that you clone repositories from most of the time.

If my organization is omnicli and I use, I could use the following organization:

- handle:
trusted: true

Setting the organization as trusted means that omni up will be ran in repositories from that organization without requesting you to approve first. If you are not comfortable with this, you can set the value to false and handle decisions repository by repository.

If you want to add your own repositories to take advantage of omni's handling, this could look like this:

- handle:
trusted: true
- handle:
trusted: true
worktree: /Users/xaf/personal

In this case, we even decided to use an alternate worktree for the second organization to avoid potential conflicts when cloning repositories. This is not mandatory and really depends on your personal preference and usage.

Finally, if you want to take advantage of fast org/repo cloning for repositories of your favorite git provider, you could add an organization with only the hostname. For instance, with, this would look like the following:

- handle:
trusted: true
- handle:
trusted: true
- handle:
trusted: false

We marked that organization as untrusted as if we were to trust it, we would trust every repository hosted in that organization, which could be dangerous.