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List of configuration parameters

Omni configuration files accept the following parameters:

askpassaskpassConfiguration related to the handling of *_ASKPASS environment variables when doing omni operations that might require a password input
cachecacheConfiguration related to the cache of omni
cdcdConfiguration related to the omni cd command
checkcheckConfiguration related to the omni config check command
clonecloneConfiguration related to the omni clone command
command_match_min_scorefloatthe minimum score to be considered when fuzzy matching a command
command_match_skip_prompt_if*_skip_prompt_ifConfiguration of prompt skipping when fuzzy matching a command
commandscommands (map)Commands made available through omni
config_commandsconfig_commandsConfiguration related to the commands defined in the config file
envenvDefinition of the environment variables to be set when running omni commands
githubgithubConfiguration related to the GitHub API
makefile_commandsmakefile_commandsConfiguration related to the commands generated from Makefile targets
orgorg (list)Configuration for the default organizations
path_repo_updatespath_repo_updatesConfiguration for the automated updates of the repositories in omni path
pathpathConfiguration of the omni path
repo_path_formatrepo_path_format (string)How to format repositories when cloning them with omni clone or searching them with omni cd (default: %{host}/%{org}/%{repo})
shell_aliasesshell_aliasesConfiguration of the shell aliases to be injected by the init hook.
suggest_clonesuggest_cloneRepositories that a git repository suggests should be clone. Should only be used in git repositories configuration.
suggest_configsuggest_configConfiguration that a git repository suggests should be added to the user configuration. Should only be used in git repositories configuration.
up_commandup_commandConfiguration related to the omni up command
upup (list)List of operations needed to set up or tear down a repository
worktreeworktree (string)Default location of the worktree, where the git repositories are expected to be located


Simple user configuration

- handle: ""
trusted: true
- handle: ""
trusted: true
- /Users/xaf/git/omnicli/omni-example
repo_path_format: "%{org}/%{repo}"

All values set by the default configuration

commands: {}
command_match_min_score: 0.12
enabled: true
first_min: 0.80
second_max: 0.60
path_match_min_score: 0.12
enabled: true
first_min: 0.80
second_max: 0.60
ls_remote_timeout: 5s
split_on_dash: true
split_on_slash: true
env: {}
enabled: true
split_on_dash: true
split_on_slash: true
org: []
append: []
prepend: []
enabled: true
self_update: ask # true, false or ask
interval: 43200 # 12 hours
ref_type: "branch" # branch or tag
ref_match: null # regex or null
per_repo_config: {}
repo_path_format: "%{host}/%{org}/%{repo}"
auto_bootstrap: true