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Configuration related to the GitHub API.

authlist of Auth objectsHow to handle authentication with the GitHub API; the first matching object is used, or the default authentication process is used (pulling an auth token from gh if available)

Auth object

This must contain one of the following parameters:

skipbooleanIf true, this authentication object will be skipped
tokenstringThe GitHub API token to use for authentication
token_env_varstringThe environment variable containing the GitHub API token to use for authentication
ghGh objectConfiguration for using the gh CLI for authentication. Depends on the gh CLI being installed and logged in, but won't error if it isn't.

If specifying multiple of those for a single object, only the first matching one will be used, in the order they are listed above. If none is specified, the default authentication process is used (pulling an auth token from gh if available).

If provided in a list, it can also contain any or all of the following parameters:

repoFilter objectA filter on the repository, if the filter does not match the repository, this authentication object will be skipped. If the filter is not specified, the authentication object will always match. The repository is defined as the <owner>/<name> format
hostnameFilter objectA filter on the hostname of the GitHub API, if the filter does not match the hostname of the repository, this authentication object will be skipped. If the filter is not specified, the authentication object will always match. The hostname is defined as only the hostname part of the URL, e.g.

Gh object

Can contain any or all of the following parameters:

hostnamestringThe hostname of the GitHub API to fetch the token for, if different from the repository's API URL
userstringThe username of the gh logged-in session to fetch the token for, if different than the default one

The parameters that are not specified will simply be resolved automatically when using the gh command.

Filter object

Can contain one of the following parameters:

containsstringA substring to match against the value of the filter
starts_withstringA prefix to match against the value of the filter
ends_withstringA suffix to match against the value of the filter
regexstringA regular expression to match against the value of the filter
globstringA glob pattern to match against the value of the filter
exactstringAn exact string to match against the value of the filter

If specifying multiple of those for a single object, only the first matching one will be used, in the order they are listed above.

If not specifying any of those, the filter will always match.


- repo:
starts_with: 'omnicli/some-'
token: gho_1234567890abcdef
- repo:
glob: 'omni*/no-auth-repo'
skip: true
- repo:
contains: 'secret-env'
token_env_var: GITHUB_TOKEN
- gh