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Commands made available through omni, while the user is in the scope of the configuration file defining those commands.

Any command defined in a global configuration file will be available throughout the whole system. Any command defined in the configuration of a git repository will only be available in that repository.


aliasesstring (list)list of aliases for that command
descstringthe description of the command that will be used in omni help. This can be on multiple lines, in which case the first paragraph (until the first empty line) will be shown in omni help, while the rest of the help message will be shown when calling omni help <command>.
runmultiline stringthe command to run when the command is being called. This will be called through bash -c and can thus receive any kind of bash scripting, or call to an executable file.
categorystring (list)comma-separated or actual list of categories, organized hierarchically from the least significative to the most significative
dirstringpath to the directory from which to execute the command, relative to the location of the configuration file, and needs to be a subdirectory
subcommandscommands (map)Subcommands of that command; the name of those commands will be prefixed by the name of the current command (e.g. command main and subcommand sub would create a command main sub)
syntaxsyntaxDefine the parameters that the command can take. This will be used when calling omni help <command>.


The syntax parameter takes a list of parameter objects. Each parameter object can take the following parameters:

namestringthe name of the parameter
descstringthe description/help for the parameter
requiredboolwhether or not this parameter is required



# The real minimum viable example to create a command
run: echo "Hello world!"

# Example of command to run tests, both parameters
# are optional as the command can be run without any
# arguments.
- file: The specific test file to execute
- args...: Any other options to pass to the test
desc: "Run the tests for this project"
run: |
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
bundle exec rake test
bundle exec ruby -W0 -Itest "$@"

# Example of command to generate a random number, both
# parameters are mandatory as we error out if they are
# missing, so we set required to `true`.
- name: min
desc: Minimum value
required: true
- name: max
desc: Maximum value
required: true
desc: "Generates a random number and prints it"
run: |
min=${1:?Missing minimum value}
max=${2:?Missing maximum value}
random_number=$((min + RANDOM % (max - min + 1)))
echo $random_number

# A command with alternative ways to be called
# Can be called as `omni main`, `omni alt1` or `omni alt2`
run: echo "Hello!"
- alt1
- alt2

# And for this command, we want subcommands
# Can be called as `omni root`
run: echo "This is root"
# Can be called as `omni root child`
run: echo "This is child"
# Can be called as `omni root child grandchild`
run: echo "This is grandchild"
# Can be called as `omni root child2`
run: echo "This is child2"