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Makefile commands

Omni supports parsing Makefile files in your current tree, while in a git repository, and exposing the Makefile targets as omni commands. This allows to make omni the go-to command, no matter if your project depended on a Makefile until now, as it will allow discovery of those commands as well.

Current working directory

Makefile commands are run from the directory in which the Makefile is located to make sure that any relative path used in the Makefile will still be valid when running the command through omni.


Makefile commands are scoped to the tree they are in. If you want to access a Makefile command from anywhere else, you can use omni scope. Note that scoping to a repository will only load the Makefile available at the root of that repository.

From target to omni command

If omni scrapes the following Makefile:

@echo This is target1

@echo This is target2

The following commands would be made available:

  • omni target1
  • omni target2

omni help

By default, all those commands will appear in the Uncategorized section of the omni help, without any description. Running omni help <command> on any of those commands will, however, provide you with the exact Makefile location and the exact line of that Makefile where the target was scrapped from.

Omni supports special comments in the Makefile to categorize the commands and provide a short help to be shown in omni help.

Setting categories for targets

Targets can be categorized by putting ##@ <category> anywhere in the Makefile. All targets following that mark will be considered in the specified category.


If omni scrapes the following Makefile, omni help will show:

  • target1 as Uncategorized
  • target2 and target3 as Category1
  • target4 as Category2
@echo This is target1

##@ Category1

@echo This is target2

target3: target2
@echo This is target3

##@ Category2

@echo This is target4

Adding a help message for a target

It is possible to add help messages to be shown for a target by putting ## <help message> on the same line as the target. The target in question will have that help message appear when calling omni help or omni help <target>.


target1: ## This is target 1
@echo This is target1

##@ Category1

target2: ## This is target 2
@echo This is target2

target3: target2 ## This is target 3
@echo This is target3

##@ Category2

target4: ## This is target 4
@echo This is target4


The following environment variables are set by omni before the Makefile command is called:

Environment variableTypeDescription
OMNI_SUBCOMMANDstring...The subcommand that was called leading to the execution of that command; e.g. my command for omni my command
OMNI_CWDpathThe current working directory where omni was called from

The following environment variables are set by the shell integration and can be taken advantage of when writing commands:

Environment variableTypeDescription
OMNI_SHELLstringThe shell of the user for which the shell integration was loaded
OMNI_CMD_FILEfilepathThe file in which omni will read operations to apply to the shell; this needs to be compatible with the shell of the user as provided by OMNI_SHELL