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Runs an omni command in the context of the specified repository or path.

This allows to run any omni command that would be available while in the repository directory, but without having to change directory to the repository first.


ParameterRequiredValue typeDescription
--[no-]include-packagesnonullIf provided, overrides the default behavior of considering or not packages when calling the command. Packages will by default be included.
repoyesstringThe repository or path to scope the command to; this can be in format <org>/<repo>, just <repo>, or the full URL. If the case where a full URL is not specified, the configured organizations will be used to search for the repository.
commandyesstring...The omni command to run in the context of the specified repository.
options...noanyAny options to pass to the omni command.


# The same kind of `repo` argument as provided to `omni cd` will work here
omni scope help
omni scope XaF/omni help
omni scope omni help
omni scope ~ help
omni scope /absolute/path help
omni scope relative/path help
omni scope .. help