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Clone the specified repository

The clone operation will be handled using the first organization that matches the argument and for which the repository exists. The repository will be cloned in a path that matches omni's expectations, depending on your configuration.

Upon successful cloning, omni clone will run omni up --update-user-config in the just-cloned repository (unless disabled in the configuration) and will change directory to the newly cloned repository.


ParameterRequiredValue typeDescription
--packagenonullClone the repository as a package, instead of the worktree
repoyesstringThe repository to clone; this can be in format <org>/<repo>, just <repo>, or the full URL. If the case where a full URL is not specified, the configured organizations will be used to search for the repository to clone.
options...noanyAny additional options to pass to git clone.


# Very basic cloning, except that the repository will be placed in the correct worktree,
# with the expected repo_path_format
omni clone

# If we have somewhere in our organizations, we can also simply run
omni clone XaF/omni

# And if we have defined as an organization, this will work
omni clone omni

# We can also specify to use a different branch than the default one
omni clone omni --branch some_other_branch

# Or really, any other parameter that `git clone` supports
omni clone omni --depth 1

# Clone the repository as a package
omni clone --package