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Show help for omni commands

If no command is given, show a list of all available commands.


Printing the help of a specific command will show you the Source: of that command. That can be practical if you're trying to track where is located the command being run when calling it through omni.


ParameterRequiredValue typeDescription
--unfoldnonullShow all the commands, instead of folding them
commandnostring...The command to get help for. If not provided, will list all available commands.


# Show all available commands (folds when >1 subcommand)
omni help

# Show all available commands (no fold)
omni help --unfold

# Show help for a specific command, and list all subcommands (folds)
omni help cd

# Show help for a specific command, and list all subcommands (no fold)
omni help --unfold cd