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Sets up a repository depending on its up configuration.

The steps to set up the work directory are defined in the up configuration parameter of the work directory configuration file. Those steps are followed in the order in which they are defined when running omni up.

Running this command will also refresh the dynamic environment of the repository in which it is being run, and cleanup some unused dependencies that omni installed during previous omni up calls. It will also regenerate the shims.


This needs to be run from a git repository. If you just created a directory with a basic up configuration to start working on a whole new project, run git init and add a remote before calling omni up, as omni up depends on the remote identifier to store up configuration to be loaded dynamically.


ParameterRequiredValue typeDescription
--no-cachenonullIf provided, the up cache will not be used for that run (this can make operations slower, but allows to avoid potentially stale data)
--bootstrapnonullSame as using --update-user-config --clone-suggested; if any of the options are directly provided, they will take precedence over the default values of the options
--clone-suggestednoenum: yes, ask or noWhether we should clone the suggested repositories, if any declared in the suggest_clone configuration of the repository (default: no)
--fail-on-upgradenonullIf provided, will fail the operation if a resource failed to upgrade, even if a currently-existing version can satisfy the dependencies
--promptnostringTrigger prompts for the given prompt ids, specified as arguments, as well as the currently unanswered prompts
--prompt-allnonullTrigger all prompts for the current work directory, even if they have already been answered
--trustnoenum: always, yes, or noDefine how to trust the repository to run the command (defaults to ask the user)
--update-repositorynonullWhether we should update the repository before running the command; if the repository is already up to date, the rest of the process will be skipped
--update-user-confignoenum: yes, ask or noWhether we should handle suggestions found in the configuration of the repository if any; The suggest_config configuration will be copied to the global configuration of the user to be loaded on every omni call (default: no)


# Simply run the up steps for that repository
omni up

# Get started with the repository by getting its full configuration suggestions
omni up --bootstrap

# Update (git pull, or fetch tag) the repository before running the up steps
omni up --update-repository

# Skip the trust question
omni up --trust=yes

# Cache the fact that we trust that repository
omni up --trust=always

# Gets suggestions for the global configuration if any available from the repository
omni up --update-user-config

# Clone suggested repositories if any provided by the repository
omni up --clone-suggested