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Switch the source of a repository in the omnipath.

This allows to change the omnipath source from using a package or a development version in a worktree.

When switching into a mode, if the source of the requested type does not exist, the repository will be cloned. This allows to directly get a worktree version of a given package, or easily package a repository.

Upon switching to a package, omni up --update-repository will automatically be run to make sure the package is up to date. This will not happen when switching to a development version in a worktree.

This command requires the target to be a repository, and for the repository to already be cloned, either in a worktree or as a package.


ParameterRequiredValue typeDescription
--packagenonullSwitches the omnipath to the package version of the repository. Cannot be used alongside --worktree. If not specified and --worktree is not specified either, will default to toggle the current state.
--worktreenonullSwitches the omnipath to the development version of the repository in a worktree. Cannot be used alongside --package. If not specified and --package is not specified either, will default to toggle the current state.
reponostringThe name of the repository to switch the source from; this can be in the format <org>/<repo>, or just <repo>. If the repository is not provided, the current repository will be used, or the command will fail if not in a repository. If the repo is not found in the omnipath, the command will fail.


# Toggles the source of the current repository in the omnipath
omni config path switch

# Toggles the source of the omni repository in the omnipath
omni config path switch omni

# Toggles the source of the omni repository in the omnipath
omni config path switch

# Switches the source of the current repository to package
omni config path switch --package

# Switches the source of the current repository to a development
# version in a worktree
omni config path switch --worktree

# Switches the source of the omni repository to package
omni config path switch --package omni

# Switches the source of the omni repository to a development
# version in a worktree
omni config path switch --worktree