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and operation

Composite operation that takes a list of operations as parameter.

The and operation will execute all available operations in the list. If none of the operations are available, the and operation will be considered unavailable. If any of the operations fail, the and operation will fail.

By default the up configuration is considered an and operation, it is thus not necessary to specify it explicitly at the root level. However, it becomes useful when combined with the or operation, as it allows to specify grouped operations to be conditioned by or.


# Installs gawk using either homebrew or nix, whichever is available,
# and if both are available will use homebrew in priority, and will
# run a different custom operation depending on which one was used;
# NOTE: if the custom operation fails, the whole `and` operation will
# be considered as failed, and the other branching of `or` will
# be executed.
- or:
- and:
- homebrew:
- gawk
- custom:
run: echo "gawk is installed using homebrew"
- and:
- nix:
- gawk
- custom:
run: echo "gawk is installed using nix"