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bundler operation

Install bundler dependencies.

Alternative names

  • bundle


The following parameters can be used:

gemfilestringPath to the Gemfile file; if not provided, defaults to Gemfile at the root of the git repository
pathstringPath to the vendor directory where the dependencies will be installed; if not provided, defaults to vendor/bundle


# Defaults to use the Gemfile in the repository root, and
# to vendor in `vendor/bundle`
- bundler

# We can call it with the alternative name too
- bundle

# Or we can specify a different location for the Gemfile
- bundler: alt/Gemfile

# Or specify that location with the direct parameter
- bundler:
gemfile: alt/Gemfile

# And we can specify the path to put the vendored dependencies
- bundler:
path: vendor/bundle

Dynamic environment

The following variables will be set as part of the dynamic environment.

Environment variableOperationDescription
BUNDLE_GEMFILEsetThe location of the Gemfile