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homebrew operation

Taps Homebrew repositories and installs formulae and/or casks.

Omni will keep track of the repositories it taps (that weren't already available in the system) and of the formulas and casks it installs. When running omni down, if some of those dependencies were installed by omni and are no more used by any of the repositories omni up-ed, those will be automatically uninstalled.


If brew is not available on the system, this step will be ignored.

Alternative names

  • brew


taplist of tapList of repositories to tap
installlist of installList of formulae and casks to install


repostringThe name of the repository to tap, in the <owner>/<repo> format
urlstringThe URL to tap the repository from (necessary if not following the<owner>/homebrew-<repo> format)


formulastringThe name of the formula to install (cannot be used along with cask)
caskstringThe name of the cask to install (cannot be used along with formula)
versionstringThe version to install for the formula or cask


# Will do nothing if no parameters are passed
- homebrew

# We can call it with the alternative name too
- brew

# We can decide to only install a number of formulas and casks
- homebrew:
# Regular formulas
- bash
- git
# A formula from a tap, without tapping first
- xaf/omni/omni
# A formula with a version number; if the formula
# with that name and version is not available directly
# nor from a tap, omni will try and fetch that specific
# version into a local tap to install it
- formula: pnpm
version: 8.6.3
# And we can install a cask
- cask: betterzip

# We can also install formulas using the `install` key
- homebrew:
- bash
- git

# We can tap a repository before installing formulas
- homebrew:
- xaf/omni
- omni

# We can also specify the url of the repository to tap if needed
- homebrew:
- repo: xaf/omni
- omni

Dynamic environment

The following variables will be set as part of the dynamic environment.

Environment variableOperationDescription
PATHprependFor formulas, uses $(brew --prefix --installed <formula>)/bin; for casks, adds any bin directory containing at least one executable in the $(brew --prefix)/Caskroom/<cask> directory; in both cases, also injects the $(brew --prefix)/bin directory